Every Day is Earth Day!

Backyard Composting - food scraps to fertilizer!
Backyard Composting - food scraps to fertilizer!

Tuesday April 22, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. at Clifton Park Halfmoon Public Library
Develop a new skill by learning how to compost in your own back yard! The GREEN Committee is collaborating with Cornell Cooperative Extension to help you learn how easy and environmentally beneficial composting food scraps can be. Get more information at cphlibrary.org in early 2025.

Session Session Dates Days of Week Location(s) Grade/Age Filled  
April 22 04/22/2025
Clifton Park Halfmoon Public Library 0/0
Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebration
Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebration
Earth Day & Arbor Day Celebration
Saturday, April 26

10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
at Collins Park, Clifton Park
(overflow parking at CP Community Church)

Join the Town of Clifton Park, the GREEN Committee, and the Tree Committee as we come together to celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day! Let’s honor the beauty and importance of trees and recognize their many benefits for our community and our planet. Earth Day is a global celebration of environmental stewardship, reminding us of the need to protect our natural world for future generations. Join us in fostering a greener, healthier future!

• Presentation of plaques for our first Trees of Distinction winner*
• Tree seedling pickup**
• Helpful information on planting and caring for your trees
• Make & Take Earth Day activities for kids
• Presentation by the NYS DEC on home composting and reducing wasted food
• Sustainable energy and energy efficiency information
• Reducing plastic waste, and more!


*Nominate an outstanding tree for this program. Tree must be at least 50 years old. Deadline is October 1, 2025 - info here.
**The Town of Clifton Park Tree Committee invites Clifton Park residents to pre-order a free tree or shrub seedling now for pickup at the Town of Clifton Park Arbor Day celebration! Limited stock of a variety of trees and shrubs while supplies last. Limit for pre-order: One tree or shrub per household. To pre-order a seedling or for more information, click here.

Session Session Dates Days of Week Location(s) Grade/Age Filled  
2025 04/26/2025
Collins Park, Moe Road 0/0
Giveaway Weekend
Giveaway Weekend

Recycling and Reducing are great,
but what about Reusing!
We all have items that are still good, but we have no use for.
Put them out for others to take or maybe find something you need!
May 2 - May 4, 2025

Event Guidelines:

  • 12:00 p.m. on Friday May 2 to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday May 4
  • Items to be given away should be placed at the end of participants personal driveway or curb ONLY
  • Mark items with the Event Flyer or a “FREE” sign and display with items, so that items intended to be given away are clearly labeled and no one accidentally takes unintended items
  • It is the sole responsibility of the homeowner to place items out and remove them by 5:00 p.m. Sunday. The Town will NOT collect any leftover items.    
  • Respect for personal boundaries is required; participants should rummage at designated curb sites only and at no time should anyone enter private property
  • For any remaining items, consider donation to charity or giveaway on social media. The following website also has donation ideas: Transfer Station (cliftonpark.org)


Event sponsor, Town of Clifton Park GREEN Committee, assumes no liability for any loss, injury, theft, or damage to property.

G.R.E.E.N. Committee - Town of Clifton Park Official Website

Session Session Dates Location(s) Grade/Age Filled  
2025 TBD 0/0
Repair Cafe
Repair Cafe


Saturday, May 17, 2025
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Clifton Park Senior Community Center.

Hosted by the Town of Clifton Park G.R.E.E.N Committee.
A Repair Café is a free community event with the goals of repairing broken objects to extend their life, keeping things out of landfills, and fostering an appreciation for the art of repairing things. Volunteer repair coaches will be available to help residents repair broken items free of charge. Bring your broken small electronics such as lamps, toasters, vacuums, coffee makers, wood items such as furniture and toys, mechanical non-electric items, clothing and textiles, and computers with problems, and bikes needing a tune-up. Our repair coaches will have you stay, watch, and learn how to fix your treasures and possessions.

We are always in need of REPAIR COACHES! Questions? Want to volunteer? Reach out to RepairCafeCliftonPark on Facebook today!
~NO Registration Required!~

Session Session Dates Location(s) Grade/Age Filled  
2025 05/17/2025 Clifton Park Senior Community Center 0/0