Starpoint Community Education Program

Starpoint Community Education Program
Starpoint Community Education Program

Starpoint’s Community Education Program was created and runs for the benefit of the community, at large.  There are many classes offered, everything from adult sports to cooking to dancing to finance.  There are some classes for kids, as well.  Please take some time to peruse the website to see if there are any classes of interest to you!  For more information and a detailed course listing, please go to: STARPOINT COMMUNITY EDUCATION PROGRAM

If you have an expertise, interest, or skill in teaching a class, we would love to hear from you!  Call Michael Moran at 210-2333, or email at  For further course information, please call Marcia Brogan at 210-2308, or email at

Session Session Dates Location(s) Grade/Age Filled  
Please go directly to: Starpoint Community Education Program's website to register. TBD 0/0