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Hudson Valley Soccer Camp (Field of Dreams) – July 7th to 11th
Hudson Valley Soccer Camp (Field of Dreams) – July 7th to 11th
Hudson Valley Soccer Camps is back! Our 1-week soccer camp returns for its fourth year and we are excited to be back at Field of Dreams from July 7th-11th. Hudson Valley Soccer Camps was created to develop, teach and grow youth soccer players in the Hudson Valley. Our program creates an environment that fosters growth through repetition, inspiring creativity on and off the ball in a fun and competitive atmosphere. The camp is a great opportunity for those that are just learning the game as well as those with experience as we balance teaching different techniques and tactics along with fun activities and games throughout the week. We offer an early bird discount prior to May 1st as well as a sibling discount.  
This year's camp will be run again by SUNY New Paltz Men's Soccer Coach Kyle Clancy and SUNY New Paltz Women's Soccer Coach Mike Eckberg (Who just led his team to the 2024 SUNYAC Championship!) along with help from our student-athletes and local high school players. If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to reach out to Mike or Kyle at:
And here is our website with more information and a link to sign up:
Flyer here.
See you all this summer!!
Coach Kyle and Mike
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Indoor Composting Seminar – March 29th
Indoor Composting Seminar – March 29th

Join us to learn about the wacky world of worms, microbes (Bokassa), and other advanced techniques for cold weather composting.


Register now to reserve your seat! Click here.  

Flyer here.

Saturday,  March 29th at 12:00pm. (Community Center)

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Mah Jongg
Mah Jongg

Do you know how to play Mah Jongg?  If so, Mah Jongg players meet to play on Mondays 12:30-3:00pm. Mah Jongg is a fascinating, rummy-like game played with tiles rather than cards.  The game originated in China in the 19th century, then popularized in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. The tiles depict Chinese characters rather than suits you would find in typical card games and players strategize to create a winning ‘hand’. 

Mah Jongg is enjoying a resurgence in popularity, with millions of dedicated players around the world and a variety of Internet and computer versions. Over time, after players become familiar with the elementary principles of the game, they develop patience in mastering the fine points and experience keen enjoyment invariably derived from the game.

Folks are welcome to participate once they have had experience playing the game, or observe these Monday sessions, however lessons cannot be given during or in between games on Mondays. The Lifetime Learning Institute, affiliated with the New Paltz University offers beginner classes in the fall. Beginners can read A Beginner’s Guide to American Mah Jongg and look at the National Mah Jongg League website.

Mondays from 12:30 to 3:30pm. (Community Center)

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Mill Brook Preserve (Wallkill Valley Land Trust)
Mill Brook Preserve (Wallkill Valley Land Trust)

The Mill Brook Preserve mission is to promote and protect biodiversity and wildlife habitats, while providing recreational and educational opportunities within the Mill Brook Preserve.

Mill Brook Preserve website here

Informational links here.

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Moriello Pool
Moriello Pool
*2025 Memberships will be available for purchase online only starting 5/1/2025
and in-person at the Moriello Pool starting on 5/24/2025*


Family Memberships are for up to (5) family members.
Family Membership includes Children under 23 years of age & no more than (2) Adults - 23 and older living in the same household.
Every Member in a Family Membership MUST reside at the same address.
Proof of Residency is required for EACH MEMBER over the age of 18 & each proof MUST match the address of the membership.
Proof of age is required for 18 and older, please upload.
CLICK HERE to review what a definition of what a Family Membership is.
When Registering a Family Membership- please select the (2) Adults FIRST and then your dependents under the age of 23.

*Each Additional Family member over 5 members is an additional $70.00: they must be under 23 years old. (but no more than (2) Adults over the age of 23 can be on a family membership.)

CKICK HERE to review the ACCEPTABLE FORM of ID for PROOF of RESIDENCY (Only one form of acceptable ID is needed)
For a list of area roads that pay New Paltz SCHOOL Taxes but are NOT Residents paying Town of New Paltz PROPERTY taxes CLICK HERE
The most efficient way to complete your application is to UPLOAD your Valid Forms of ID on the website.

Resident Family - $275.00 (up to 5 members)
Additional Family Member - $70.00 each
Resident Single - $125.00
Resident Senior - $90.00 (Senior Rates apply to New Paltz Residents Only)

Non-Resident Family - $400.00 (up to 5 members)
Additional Family Member - $70.00
Non-Resident Single - $180.00


Daily Admission for Non-Residents apply only to Non-Resident Guests of Members.  Maximum of 4 Non-Resident Guests per membership per day.

Resident 12 & under - $8.00
Resident Over 12 - $12.00
Resident Senior (62+) - $8.00
Resident After 5:00 pm - $7.00

Non-Resident 12 & under - $10.00
Non-Resident Over 12 - $15.00
Non-Resident After 5:00 pm - $9.00

DATES OF OPERATION: (Opening & Closing Dates for season based on New Paltz School Calendar)
* All below dates are subject to change and please check back for swim meet closing dates for 2025*
Memorial Day Weekend - May 24th, 25th & 26th - 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Juneteenth- June 19th - 12:00 pm -7:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday - June 1st-2nd/8th-9th/15th-16th/22nd-23rd - 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Open Daily - June 28th - August 10th - 12:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Open Daily - August 11th - Sept. 1st - 12:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Season Open From Location  
2025 Summer Season 05/24/2025–09/02/2025 32 Mulberry St, New Paltz, NY 12561
Moving Together with Nina Jirka
Moving Together with Nina Jirka

Bringing together the elements of Qi Gong, Yoga, Ballet, Modern and Improvisation, we work with gravity and others in the room, connecting to nature, energy, ground, music and each other.

The class focuses on creating fluidity, awareness, alignment, balance, and correct breathing techniques. 

Please call (917) 359-2337 for more information about the class.

Wednesdays from 10:15 to 11:15am. (Community Center)

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New Paltz/Gardiner Seniors Group
New Paltz/Gardiner Seniors Group

The Senior Citizens Club of New Paltz and Gardiner is a group of seniors from the local communities that come together on the second Wednesday of the month at the community center to socialize, be entertained or be informed on many different subjects. We have an annual picnic in June at the Field of Dreams and a Holiday celebration in December. We have two bus trips a year for lunch and some form of entertainment. We also meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month for lunch or breakfast at various local restaurants.

As always, new Members are welcome to join our highly active club. As you can see from prior newsletters, we socialize, get entertained and go on trips. In fact, a trip to Lake George, including a boat ride and lunch is scheduled tentatively for May 21st. So, why not join up? 
Wednesday, March 12th: Our speaker for March 12 is a local author Janet Johnson Schliff who will discuss her book What Ever Happened to My White Picket Fence? My Brain Injury from a Massive Brain Tumor. Janet is a member of our club and her talk should be very interesting. All are welcomed to enjoy our program and find out what is happening in the club, plus meet new friends. Any questions call Kathy Rivera, #646-361-5190, for program information.

Second Wednesday of every month from 2:00 to 4:00pm. (Community Center)

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Nyquist-Harcourt Wildlife Sancuary (The Nyquist Foundation)
Nyquist-Harcourt Wildlife Sancuary (The Nyquist Foundation)

The sanctuary exists to ensure that current and future generations in New Paltz and the wider community of the Mid-Hudson Valley have a place where they can enjoy nature in a “forever wild” setting.

Located on Huguenot Street in the town and village of New Paltz, the 56 acres of property comprising the Sanctuary has relatively open areas dominated by grasses and herbaceous plants. These provide rich and varied habitat opportunities for a wide range of plants and animals. The Sanctuary includes an “oxbow,” a complex of ponds and wetlands remaining from a tightly-curved meander cut off when the Wallkill River straightened its course hundreds of years ago.

The Sanctuary has over 1,300 feet of frontage on the Wallkill River and adjoins the Jewett and Khosla properties, two historic Huguenot farms totaling more than 180 acres. The Sanctuary also adjoins land owned by the Village of New Paltz containing the Gardens for Nutrition, a community-supported public gardening area. Nearby is Historic Huguenot Street featuring seven stone houses dating to 1705, a burying ground, and a reconstructed 1717 stone church — all in their original village setting. Historic Huguenot Street offers six acres of landscaped green space and public programming to the local community and visitors from around the world.

Nyquist-Harcourt Wildlife Sanctuary website here.

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Past – Senior Trip to Hortus Botanical Garden, Stone Ridge
Past – Senior Trip to Hortus Botanical Garden, Stone Ridge

On September 6th, a senior group traveled to the Hortus Arboretum and Botanical Gardens in Stone Ridge. In the photo, co-founder Scott Serrano describes the fruit on his Dwarf Tamarillo plant. "Like an apricot," he said. He then gave Joanna a seedling which she is growing in her office at the Community Center. The leaves smell rather horrible, but we can see if it will fruit when planted outside the Center next summer! 

This tree is Heptacodium micronoides, also known as the Seven Sons Flower Tree. It's a late summer blooming tree and no trees are found in the "wild" anymore in its native origin of China, says co-founder Allyson Levy.

Joanna will plan another trip to Hortus next spring.

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Past – Senior Trip to the Culinary Institute of America
Past – Senior Trip to the Culinary Institute of America

As recounted by Sharon Roth:

We took a bus with 14 senior citizens from New Paltz. Our Director drove the small bus. Not a school bus… we had lunch in the Apple Pie Bakery Café. The food was all made by students and it was excellent. I wanted the Spanakopita, but they were out. I asked for the apple ginger tart. All gone. I settled for the last cheesecake. With a small bottle of San Pellegrino. Yum. 

I asked a junior named Chelsea from New Jersey if she wants to become a sous chef after graduation. She said that that is not the first step. The first step is prep chef then executive chef. Then sous chef. Then main chef. She actually wants to become a chocolatier. 

It was a great day!

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